A Fun Fair Inspired Limited Edition Cocktail That's Perfect for Summer
What was your favourite ride as a kid? The tummy-tumbling Pirate ship, clothes-soaking log flume or, perhaps for the stronger-stomached among us, the toe-curling roller coasters.
My favourite was the slides, the ones that wrap around landlocked lighthouses and require a burlap sack to sit on and slip down. Sounds simple enough but there was something so joyful about whizzing around and around, often with the promise of something sugary at the end.
Exactly what the sweet reward was always changed, sometimes a steaming bag of miniature doughnuts, coated in sugar and piled high in a grease-spotted paper bag. Other times a stiff striped bag filled with pic and mix – fried eggs muddled with jelly babies and long, luscious strawberry laces.
The best fairground treat though was always candyfloss. Fluffed-up pink clouds of spun sugar gathered together with a stick in front of our eyes. I would go home with my teeth covered in granulated pink sugar, candy floss strands dried around my mouth.
Recently, I’ve been thinking that we all need a bit more fun. Less overthinking and more joyful abandon. A bit more of that childlike wonder at the lighter, warmer evenings and something to celebrate it with, too.
As this thought simmered away, a cocktail came to me out of nowhere – a happy classic with a twist. Fun with flair. A Cotton Candy Clover Club, of course, and there's only 100 of these very limited edition cocktails to go around.

It’s a mix of my signature Sliqueur with Conker Dry Dorset Gin (award-winning, don’t you know!) with a tub full of prosecco-flavoured candy floss to garnish. It’s more than delightful, it’s a drink bursting with sunshine and the promise of a fun, sunny afternoon.
To mix it up at home you’ll need some coupé glasses, a cocktail shaker, ice cubes, fresh lemon juice and an egg white – the rest, I’ve done for you. Toast with friends over zoom, over your garden table or, for the more ambitious of you, pack it all up for the park. I can’t wait for you to try it and recapture some of that effervescent fairground delight. It’s a limited edition tipple so I suggest you move quickly as when it’s gone, it’s gone. The clock is ticking...
With love,
The CM x